Thursday, May 24, 2012

Brooke is not your average dentist (34 Photos)

Last week I received an email from a sad dental student who needed some cheering up. Some prick had just told her girls were not smart enough to be dentists. I posted the photo above and, in true Chive form, you made her day and she rewarded your kindness with cleavage the following day. God, I love this site. A few words from Brooke:

HEY CHIVE! I am so honored to be your Chivette of the Week! I’m Brooke, a Washington state local with a Cali girl heart? I am a full time student at Eastern Washington University (GO EAGS) where I study anything and everything to do with teeth. I enjoy brushing and flossing…yeah, not really. I am a crazy, quirky, fearless chick who loves a good adrenaline rush. I friggin' love wakeboarding.
My goal in life is to become a certified skydiving instructor…oh and get through school without making any of my patients cry. I am slightly obsessed with sports; you won’t ever find my TV on a channel other than ESPN. I am a HUGE Rays fan…as you guys might know by now ;)
I would like to thank my ex-boyfriend for introducing me to the Chive. Because of him I have found myself checking out more hot chicks than any guy even would. Also I would like to thank the amazing Chivers for always making my day with all the nice things they have to say and for blowing up my twitter! Love you guys. Keep calm and CHIVE ON!

Thanks again Chivers,


Brooke really wants to meet as many Chivers as she can on her Twitter Page.